Friday, 27 April 2012

Urbanization & population growth

Throughout time, mankind has evolved and grown in numbers. However, very recently, our numbers have been increasing at an alarming rate and we have also been able to develop methods to increase our life span. This had created many problems such as urbanization on a vast scale and population growth.

Some countries have already begun to take action; but we have not. Now is the time to re-evaluate our choices in life and to think of new and efficient ways to overcome this ordeal; after all, this planet can only support so-many people.

Take China for instance. This country has one of the largest populations in the world. What have they done to keep their numbers from rising even higher? The answer lies with their "one child policy".

To prevent their numbers from overwhelming us, this policy was put in motion in hopes of slowing down population growth; and it has. But, of course, this is nothing more than a temporary solution. Our numbers aren't the only thing that have increased throughout the years. Our technology has also suffered a similar fate. Through more advanced technology, we have been able to rougly double the average life expectancy of a human being; from 40 years to 80. With such a significant milestone as this, how could our numbers not rise? To top things off, it's only a matter of time before we devellop new procedures and medication that will continue to keep us alive. This is the sad truth explaining why China's policy, although effective, can only serve as temporary relief from this problem.

Interestingly enough, India has also taken action and attempt to solve this problem. They attempted to use propaganda and monetary incentives in order to comvince people to get sterilized. Despite the theoredical effectiveness of this solution, it is seen as morally wrong and is debated, on whether it should or shouldn't, be an acceptable solution.

However, out of all of the ideas and policies that have been attempted, this next one is, without question, my favorite one.

Kerala is a state in southern India suffering from poor living conditions and being highly dependant on agriculture. These people were actually able to manage to come up with a method allowing them to solve their overpopulation dilemma without having to resort to any controversial alternatives. Seeing that women would get married early in life and begin to make families almost immediately, they decided to allow women to pursue their fantasized careers by giving them one of the greatest treasures humanity posesses; knowledge.

It was seen that through providing these women with education, they became more concerned with their careers, and thus, decided to marry and bear children much later in life; not to mention the fact that they would bear very few children as a result.

This solution is by far my favorite due to the fact that no contrevertial methods are being employed, lives are being enriched and filled with success, along with the fact that it even gives these places a chance to prosper and to become a more significant economical factor. It is made clear that the pros of this solution heavily outweigh the cons; and this is why I believe that this is the most effective solution of the three.

Despite all of this however, it is quite obvious that our planet faces a very serious problem despite our attempts to stun our population growth. Our planet can only hold so-many people confortably and this is why today and tomorrow our struggles will be based on finding sufficient food, water, energy and living space.

One of the solutions that I propose would be to expand our cities upward. With most of our planet being covered in water, our land is limited; and , as such, we should use it as effectively as possible to be able to accomodate our, ever growing, population. With more skyscrapers being around, more people will be able to live in an adequate living space.

My second proposition is also connected to the first. With so many tall buildings, more and more energy will be needed. To help offset this problem, I propose the construction of green roofs. If any building tall enough to catch sunlight contains a green roof, with either vegetation or solar panels, we would be able to save money through better insulation, less energy use, and the creation of energy for us through a renewable energy source; solar energy.

Although the problem at hand is a serious one, we have the tools at our disposal to over come it. All that matters now is our conviction and determination to overcome it, and how we use the tools that are at our disposal.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent blog Alex. I hope that our next project will allow you to put some of your solution ideas into action!
